Who We Are

WANUNUZI SACCO is registered in accordance with the Co-operative Societies Act (CAP.490, section 6 (3) laws of Kenya.

Wanunuzi SACCO is specially formed for the Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals with an aim to empower and positively transform members’ lives by developing a culture of saving for future investments for the Professionals.

The Wanunuzi sacco offered its members following four Back Office loan products. These products and services are tailored to promote personal growth and also to cater for emergency needs of members.

KISM members keenly following presentation on the SACCO products at a KISM event on 26th October,2022 at Travellers Beach and Hotel,Mombasa

Wanunuzi Sacco operations shall be aligned to its vision and mission:

To be the sole trusted financial partner for the supplies practitioners in Kenya and beyond.

To be the reference financial institution that provides its members an opportunity to mobile savings and deposits thereby creating a source of funds from which they can access affordable credit facilities for promoting their social economic welfare.

  • Integrity
  • Team Work
  • Customer Focus
  • Professionalism
  • Transparency
  • Accountability